Thursday, August 18, 2011

Nora checks in (Daddy is scribe)

Hello. This is Nora. We are what we call the Internet Cafe because it is one of two places that has Internet and it has really good food. I just had an orange Fanta and some potato chips. My British friends are on vacation. We finished reading the Golden Acorn, which is a book we started reading in Massachusetts. And now I'll read the next book in this series, which is called Glassruhen Gate.

Spanish people go to bed late - I'm going to say at 1 am! Even kids sometimes!!! I go to bed at 9 but usually fall asleep a lot later. I usually wake up at 7:30 or 8:30 and then read on the Kindle. And then after I read on the Kindle I have breakfast after Mommie and Daddy wake up. And then I either go to El Campo or play a little bit and then go to El Campo. El Campo is the grocery store. And after I go to El Campo, I usually either play a little bit, have lunch, then we play a bit, and then Seth takes a nap and we read or draw and play. After Seth wakes up, we usually go swimming for about 2 1/2 hours. And then we dry off, Daddy is cooking dinner, and then we have dinner. Then we read a book. And then me and Nathan play a little bit since Seth goes to bed a little earlier. And then we go to bed.

I learned to play hearts today. We are keeping a tally of our scores. I'm losing because I have the highest points. In hearts the goal is to get the lowest points. We've played 6 hands already today. Daddy is winning because he has negative points! A hand is not like your hand that you write with - it is a part of a game.

We have to go now because Daddy has to cook dinner at home. Bye!


  1. Hi Nora,
    We are enjoying your blog. I read some of it to Isaac yesterday and he enjoyed hearing about all of your adventures! I hope you will all be feeling better soon and we look forward to reading more of your blogs.
    -Abigail (Isaac L's mom)

  2. HI NORA,
    Grandoc and I love to read you blogs. Keep sending them to us as long as you can. By now, hope all the Starhills are well. Pink-eye is yucky and messy. Doug just arrived in Columbus. He is here for his 30th high school reunion so we drove here on Thursday and will drive back to Starmount on Monday. We drove down in Grandoc's new red truck which he really likes, but I like th Suburu better. Love to all, BEBE

  3. Hi Nora,
    I love hearing about your time in Spain. Please keep blogging and keep us all back in the U.S. informed about what life in Spain is all about. You told a vivid picture about the orange fanta and potato chips! I hope everyone feels healthy soon so you can venture out a bit. Look forward to hearing about school, too. Maybe you can keep a travel journal!

  4. OH! I guess blogging IS a travel journal, silly me. But I mean the kind you can write and draw pictures or stick in things you find along the way.

  5. Dear Nora,

    I'm so glad that you're having a good time in Spain. Wish we could be there with you.

    However, I'm so sorry to hear that you have to trek all the way to the internet cafe to make your blog entries. Walking all that way must make you feel a little bit disconnected from the rest of the world.

    The next time you play Hearts with Daddy, you might casually suggest getting a mobile wifi hub at Orange or Vodafone. That way, you can connect to the internet from home for €20-40 per month and post your blog entries every day without the long walk to the internet cafe.

    Or, you can continue humping it to the nearest free wifi hotspot... because walking a lot will make you more European.

    I look forward to your future posts.

    ---Uncle D and Aunt X (in Seattle)
