Friday, August 12, 2011

Heather y Seth in Madrid.

We (Seth and I) made it to Spain. Google has courteously started speaking Spanish, the weather is hot, and we spend most of our time shopping. To accomplish the latter, we are getting pretty good at asking the sales force things like "We have mop clean in store?", "Do you need dried tomatoes?" and "I don't need a purse" but the result has been relatively satisfactory -- we ended up with cleaning supplies and sun-dried tomatoes but no plastic shopping bag.

No internet in the casa, so we're pretty hamstrung. Sneaking off to the local grocery store/mall which does have internet, but then we spend all our time googling things like the Spanish version of nit-pickers and trying to find train schedules for the dreaded Sunday, the day when NOTHING (save IKEA) is open. We've discovered that 3 crabby kids in 100 square meters does not equal fun.

More after yet another grocery run....


  1. I hope you made it through your first Sunday!!

    Keep posting -- we want to hear about your adventure.

    Best -- Dana, Krishna, Jonas, and Isaac

  2. I just created a Google account and will try to send you a comment. Hope all is going well.


  3. I've enjoyed reading your blogs. I wrote you another blog but we didn't know how to send it. Hope this one works. I'm excited about using my computer to keep in touch with you. Lots of love to all, BEBE
