Monday, March 19, 2012

Nora writes the songs

So Nora has recently taken up songwriting, perhaps spurred on by her newfound love of pop music. Here's some of her recent gems:

I'm an open book
Open me, open me
Find the answer to your question
in me! Look hard, read more and don't give up.

I'm an open book find your answer
in me. Try try your hardest!
When you find the answer you have truth so write it down!


Math questions, geography questions, and
much more! Find all the answers
in me! It's the truth that you find in me!


Learn more, get a good score!
I'm an open boooook.

If I could...

If I could I would fly and be a star like you.
If I wanted to I could try.
But I've tried too many times.
Help me, help me I want to become a star like you!
How how how do you do it?
I've tried and tried so many times it never works.

If I could I would be a star like you, but all you say is I'll never be a star.
Oh, please please help me.
I don't know how.
Take me with you!

I don't want to be my plain old self all over again!
You help me because I helped you!
Help me with my dream!
It's like you didn't want me to help you in the first place.
Keep your promise.




The family plays with you on rainy
days the family makes you laugh when you're sad
try try try to help them too.

Have fun play games
do crafts with family
read books with family
not alone
learn a new language with family not alone


With your familyyyyy.

Check back later for more original songs!

1 comment:

  1. These are awesome! I especially love the family one.
