Monday, March 19, 2012

An interview with Nora

N: It’s been a long week. I’ve been more tired and bored than ever.

M: Why?

N: Because I’ve been doing lots of things at schools, and taking walks forever, and I had the cross (a cross-country race for all kids in the city 3rd grade and up) on Friday. And it just seems like there’s nothing to do around here.

M: I thought we agreed to stop complaining.

N: Yes, but this is a blog post. And, I didn’t hear you saying that.

M: OK, no more complaining. What else are you up to?

N: I have three exams next week. And I’m going to start a unit on Futbol in gym, a new unit in science, and probably start a new unit in math. In math we’re learning now about angles and lines.

M: This is boring.

N: Fine. I’ll change the topic. What should I talk about?

M: I don’t know. Just don’t bore me.

N: (Giggles)

M: What kinds of competitions do you want to be in next year?

N: Art competition. Piano competition. Gymnastics competition. Futbol competition.

M: Can we dress you up in makeup and a big poufy dress and put you in a beauty pageant?

N: NO WAY. First, I don’t like big poufy dresses, and I wouldn’t wear makeup this young. And what’s a beauty pageant?

M: Where girls compete to be named the cutest one.

N: Oh. That’s weird. I’d rather be in a fashion show, not one of those pageants. But what I would like to do is be in a sport competition or an art competition or a competition where you don’t have to dress up all fancy.

M: And what is it you’ve been saying you want to do when you grow up?

N: I want to be a gymnast, an artist, a fashion designer, a soccer player, a pianist.

M: OK, let’s wrap this up. I have to go give your tiny brother a bath. Go get your lyrics.

1 comment:

  1. Nora sounds like the kind of kid who Kendra would get along with. :)
