Monday, September 26, 2011

Boys' day at school (warning: Toddler content)

M: Seth, how was your day at school?

S: Good.

M: What did you do on the playground?

S: Played. I played, somebody found Clara. Noah found Clara. She was better. Coming at school, and Noah found her. I played with Noah and I played with Clara. Both.

M: What did you do inside your classroom?

S: Played.

M: What happened when you woke up from nap?

S: Cried.

M: Why?

S: Because I have to go pooh.

M: Why were you crying? You have to go pooh all the time at home.

S: My belly hurts. I pushed my pooh down. My teacher not use toilet paper, use wipes.

M: Do you have anything else to tell me about school?

S: Yes.

M: Seth, focus.

S: I did play. I did sing on the car rug. I sang some songs. Mom, let's draw.

Nathan: Mom! We don't sing in music. We do music. We have like books.

M: Books about music?

Nathan: We do things in books. Like we do like what order is this, what color is this, what instrument is this. That's really all I did.

M: Nathan, how was your day in school?

Nathan: OK.

M: Who did you play with at recess?

Nathan: Sonia. She speaks English.

M: And what did you do in English?

Nathan: We filled out a worksheet.

M: What was your favorite part of the day?

Nathan: English.

M: Did you learn any Spanish words?

Nathan: No.

M: Did you have homework?

Nathan: Yes. We had mathematics and Lengua.

M: Why don’t you ask your own question and answer it?

Nathan: Why did the chicken cross the road? (Laughs).

M: No, about school.

Nathan: Oh! How was recess? OK.

What did you do? I watched someone make something weird. There were some people, they were like making like a dirt rock thing. You can throw the rocks and then they break apart and some little ones you could break with bare hands.

M: Is that all?

N: Yeah.

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