Wednesday, September 2, 2015

This is Heather, horning in on the olive oil fun. Background: for those of you who aren't on facebook and don't see my yearly post, each winter we buy either 8 or 16 unique kinds of dark chocolate (thanks, Whole Foods), Nathan creates brackets, and then we have nightly matches between two different varietals. Taza chocolate (Somerville) almost always wins thanks to a 4-1 majority for Mexican chocolate in the house, but the runner-up is always Whole Foods-brand chocolate, usually from Tanzania or Costa Rica. 

In any case, the giant wall of olive oil at the local grocery store...

...inspired Nathan to come up with the idea of an olive oil tournament. In the US, the olive oil section of the store contains usually two different processing methods (virgin, extra virgen) multiplied by location (Greece, Italy, Spain). Here, it's olive oil as far as the eye can see, with different price points (around 4-6 euro for glass bottles, less for plastic) processing methods (virgin, extra virgin), regions of origin (all Spanish, of course, but many different parts of Spain), and types of olive (at least 3-4).  Which, as you can see, results in a whole lot of olive oil choices.

This complexity suggests a tournament structure more sophisticated than the "a v. b, winner advances" bracket system we've used for chocolate. Stay tuned - Nathan is at work on it.

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