Sunday, September 6, 2015

Things we didn’t realize we missed about Spain*

1. The smell; sweeter air.

2. The local park sounding like school just got out at 10:30 PM on weekend (and some week) nights. Yes, that means hoards of 2-year-olds, out playing in the dark.

3. Hanging the laundry out on the folding rack (Heather only)

4. Coming back in a couple hours and finding that laundry dry (it’s hot and dry here)

5. Better women’s clothes (Heather and Nora)

6. Managing to have a conversation in a different language (Heather and Jon only)

7. Hearing three languages spoken (yelled) by the kids at the pool

8. Having a pool

9. Getting the chills after taking a dip in 99-degree weather (a function of low humidity)

10. The view from the kids’ school:
(mountains more impressive in person)

11. The wild cats that populate Alcobendas

12. Watching west coast baseball games live at breakfast

13. Having friends RIGHT HERE that you can go out and play with without making a play date (Nathan and Nora)

14. More free time (Nathan)

15. "People always think of you as the American person and are easier on you" (Nathan)

16. An apartment small enough that I can clean it in an hour** (Heather)

 * This list is separate from the things we knew we missed about Spain, like our friends, our Madrid cousins:

the olive oil, rioja, weather, kids' school, time with family, and Montes bread.

** With the help of disgruntled children


  1. This is a wonderful list. I am so glad you get to go back and enjoy the things that you love!

  2. Yay! We are happy to have you back.
