Two stories, both mostly true:
1) Funny exchange yesterday with a child who wishes to remain anonymous:
Child, observing Mommie checking Facebook on her iPhone: Mommie! Don’t look at Facebook! It’s dangerous! People could say they’re 16 and really be 46!
Mommie: But I am 46. Practically, anyway. Am I dangerous to myself?
Child: NO NO NO. There’s dangerous people on Facebook! REALLY!
Mommie: OMG, your comments are so funny, I have to post them.
Child: NO NO NO NO. I’m taking away your iPhone!
And the child proceeded to pry it out of my fingers.
The good news here is that the above proves that this particular child is comprehending and absorbing all the Spanish-language “Informatica” (computer) lessons imparted by the school. The bad news is that this child already acts like a 46-year-old helicopter parent.
[NB: My other funny story of this ilk is from when we had a child in Brackett Kindergarten. Kindergarten is apparently the year the Arlington Public Schools teaches children about the dangers of alcohol and drugs, because when I came home from work one day, I was treated to a lecture on the evils of having a glass of wine.]
2) Child who wishes to remain anonymous #2's comment today:
"Mommie, iTunes sells music for both Macs AND Windows. So be very careful!"
Whether this was a comment on Mommie's computer skills or the evils of Windows-based products, I'm not exactly sure.
i know who number 1 is but not quite sure about number 2!