Sunday, January 8, 2012


We just got back from three nights in Lisbon. Excellent apartment (water views), food (both restaurant Daddy and lunches out) and things for kids to do. Here's a conversation with Seth and Nathan about the highlights.

M: What’s new?

Seth: We love fish. We went to the quarium in Lisbon.

M: What kinds of fish were there?

Seth: Yellow fish, blue fish, and white fish

M: You know what my favorite fish was?

S: What?

M: The fish that looked like a manhole cover with and eye and fins. See Or maybe it was the seaweed we stared at until Nora realized that it wasn’t seaweed, it was a leafy sea dragon (google if interested). Or maybe it was the sandfish with lots of spines, bones, and the ability to look like the bottom of a tidal pool. I think that’s what the Spanish feed you for lunch.

M: Nathan, what was your favorite part of the aquarium?

N: (Sings “Aquarium! Aquarium!” to the tune of Acquarius.) The ray. The ray with two eyes kind of like sticking out from the body. See

M: What else should I ask you about Lisbon?

N: I know! Did you write about the trams?

M: What about the trams? Tell me.

N: mmmmm….the 28 Tram. It goes to the castle … mmmm

M.: …. and downtown and to our house. What was your other favorite part?
N: The boat. Cuz it goes places!

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