Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dinner last night

Seth: It’s my birthday soon.* I turn into a girl.

Nathan**: Seth, it’s permanent. You can’t turn into a girl.

Seth: No, I don’t like being a boy. My birthday soon, my penis go in the trash.

Nathan: Your penis can’t come off because it’s connected to your skin. If it falls off, you die.

Seth: What die? I don't wanna die.

Nathan: Or you’ll be really weak and sick.

Seth: But I don’t want to stay a girl. Friday and then Monday I’ll be a boy.

* It’s not even close to Seth’s birthday.

** You'll see Nathan talking in this story because Nora was out at a playdate/party.


  1. (Comment from Nora): I wasn't there last night, so it was really interesting when Mom posted this. And then I thought I wish I'd been home last night.

  2. Are you folks okay? It seemed like you were posting fairly steadily, but then suddenly you all went incommunicado. I don't think it was time for you to come home yet, so I am hoping that all is well.

    Happy Holidays!
