So I have almost no ability to communicate with Spanish bus drivers, as evidenced by me (and sometimes one of the Starhills) ending up in the wrong city by accident, by my not getting on the bus that actually does go where I want to go, and by my failing to engage in excited verbal jousting with drivers whom I feel have wronged me. Second to bus drivers, in the communication department, comes hairdressers. Last time I was here I repeatedly asked that my haircut be cut in a "linea recta" -- straight line. But almost every time, I ended up with a Jennifer Aniston fringe. Eventually, I just grew my hair out.
This weekend, I visited my linguistic incompetence on the boys. Apparently, my Spanish for “long on top, short on the sides” means “give my boy a haircut that looks like Ronaldo’s." As in:
Seth got the first haircut, beaming at himself in the mirror the entire time. Here's how he ended up looking:
As you can see, Seth's very proud of his new hair. Nathan went second, and because he's more conservative than his brother, I tried to explain to the hairdresser that his should be longer, that Nathan doesn’t like fashionable haircuts, basically pleading with her to do nothing rash. And here's how Nathan looks:
Considerably less psyched about the haircut than Seth, as you can see. His new nickname in the family is Neymar, presumably after this gentleman:
Lesson on life in Spain 101: Don't trust google translate when dealing with hair.
Monday, February 15, 2016
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Last night Nora and I were out walking and we randomly struck Spanish pay dirt in the form of a Lenten celebration. Down near the internet café's parking lot, we spotted a scrum of people, some of whom seemed to be bearing along a giant figurine of some sort. Spanish processions often haul along statues of virgins, who seem to need to transit from place to place frequently throughout the year. We went closer, and in fact this particular group was hauling along a giant paper-mache fish, which they then placed in the center of the parking lot:
Next, two Catholic priests appeared and blessed the fish, complete a reading from the bible and the sign of the cross. The scene was made even more complete by the Spanish women dressed in black hats/lace veils and singing various songs. And of course, the civil guard standing by (see the guy in orange).
Those civil guard came in handy when one of the priests set fire to the fish. An excellent choice on a night with 20+ MPH winds.
And a lucky night to be out on a walk.
Next, two Catholic priests appeared and blessed the fish, complete a reading from the bible and the sign of the cross. The scene was made even more complete by the Spanish women dressed in black hats/lace veils and singing various songs. And of course, the civil guard standing by (see the guy in orange).
Those civil guard came in handy when one of the priests set fire to the fish. An excellent choice on a night with 20+ MPH winds.
And a lucky night to be out on a walk.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Spoke too soon (in the last entry) about spring arriving. While the trees and bushes (and wildflowers) continue to bloom, here's the 10-day forecast. Exactly as I remember February in Madrid. Which makes me happy to be headed to Laguna Beach in a couple weeks.
As well, last Sunday I was sitting in the local cafe drinking coffee and working on a paper, when an older gentleman handed me this:
Not super-sure what it means -- perhaps I was getting called out for working in public on a Sunday?
As well, last Sunday I was sitting in the local cafe drinking coffee and working on a paper, when an older gentleman handed me this:
Not super-sure what it means -- perhaps I was getting called out for working in public on a Sunday?
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
February Update
from Spain once again. We’ve had our two weeks of winter (gray, cold, damp,
windy), and have moved into spring-like weather – sunshine, highs in the 60s,
light winds, even some trees and bushes blooming. Not happy, on the earth’s behalf,
that this period began in late January. But happy given all the kids’ soccer we
have, that I’m not turning into an icicle four times per week.
Spanish election and its fallout have been interesting to watch. The ruling
party (conservatives) failed to achieve enough seats in Parliament to form a
government; there are multiple parties on the left (including viable socialist
and communist parties), but these have a) refused to join with the ruling party
and b) refused to join with one another. So it’s stalemate. Spanish daytime television
has abandoned is usual fare (fashion, food fights) in favor of round-the-clock
tabs on Parliament, interspersed with footage of perp walks by local corrupt
politicians. The King, whose job it is to invite a leader to form a government,
is also often featured trying to play broker to the warring parties. New
elections are pending if the King and the politicians can't work things out --
but interestingly, Spain does not have a run-off structure, meaning we may see
the exact same results again.
had another positive encounter with the Spanish health care system this
past weekend. Nathan slipped while playing soccer, fell on his hand, and had a
potential break. So Sunday morning we headed to the local ER and got it
x-rayed. Diagnosis: Not broken. Total
cost: $250. Total time from check-in to wrapping it: 1 hour. It took longer to
get to and from the ER than it did to get it checked out.
French school now has more police guarding it morning/night than our school;
however, the police at our school have bigger guns.
continue our semi-monthly pilgrimages to the local giant sporting goods store.
This place never fails to amuse us. Spotted on our last visit: shark-finned
swim caps and a flamenco section:
also spend a lot of time at the local amusement park with the kids. Nora and
Seth are quite the roller coaster enthusiasts. Winter weather (such as it is
here) means no lines and empty rides, much to our delight.
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